cheap jerseys Outside the American super bowl bowl, bowl gala in China is still very cold

NFL super bowl will be shown at 7:30 tomorrow morning (Beijing time), the game has a reputation of "the Spring Festival gala" will attract the eyes of the world, but for ordinary Chinese fans, football seems to distance we far away... On the one hand, because football is not widespread in China, on the other hand, rugby collision is too much and not too conforms to our traditional culture.

But, in fact, in the foreseeable future, China's fans will feel this sport started we are very close to the admiral -- this year's national games in liaoning football for the first time for this project; Rio DE janeiro Olympic Games in 2016, will be the first time that football show its charm to the world; Driven by the NFL in China "north-south bowl" is about to come out next year.

The bowl, they regard it as the "Spring Festival gala"

Americans love the super bowl? Look at the data maybe you will understand.

160 million people concern the us election

46 session of the super bowl last year, for example, in the United States more than 160 million people tuned in, more than half of the U.S. population. , by contrast, the 2012 U.S. presidential election votes together only 129 million of all candidates, and create the highest voter turnout in 2008, the total number of votes but 131 million. Super bowl every year, however, election four years at a time, however, seems to be in the United States, the super bowl in his heart is more important than the affairs of state.

Both sides has a market value of $2.34 billion in final

This year's super bowl, by the national association and the American league championship champion San Francisco 49 ers for the Baltimore ravens, according to us Forbes magazine estimates, the market value of the San Francisco 49 ers reached $1.18 billion, the ravens of the market value of $1.16 billion, two teams together worth $2.34 billion.

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