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 cheap jerseys Lewis is not the world of football genius, football schools in 1993, he chose to provide full scholarship at the university of Miami, in the warm, humid Miami, beautiful scenery, lewis star road plain sailing, in the sophomore year, junior year after two consecutive season in all-american, lewis took part in the NFL draft in 1996, the same year before moving to Baltimore Cleveland browns in 26 of the first round of the sequence to remove it. Captain lewis began to crow for 17 years in love, as is often the case, the NFL players, on average, professional life is only three to five years, and defense group's position on the line who life is short, for a sprained a collision is likely to put an end to the career.

cheap nfl jerseys 17 years, with lewis NFL team feared on any battlefield, ravens defensive group in 2000, lewis to usher in the peak of the career, the same year ravens to 34-7 victory over the New York giants won the super bowl trophy, he has also been rated as super bowl MVP, becomes in the history of the second line, who won the honor. Lewis in the 2000, 2003 as the NFL's defensive player of the year, and was elected to the pro bowl in 13 seasons. He is still in NFL history only a capture killed at least 40 times and 30 times steals players. NFL in 2010 was founded in 90, lewis 100 without suspense in the NFL's greatest player rankings, ranked 18th.

Lewis with textbook as the center line of a standard figure, quick speed, explosive force strong, grappling fierce, positive movement and rich experience for lewis has created in the heart of the offensive player spells, but all the year round, as usual, physical training, is to let its eternal youth vigor. Whenever the Baltimore ravens home game, game player at the time of the last part is "dance" lewis, namely by lewis presents a in indigenous modern dance. Had a visiting team because this seemingly at odds, show the steps for the NFL of terrorist headquarters to protest, but the NFL team issued a special case to the crow, the league only lewis has the right to enjoy dance show.

Lewis is ravens well-deserved leader, he shows good quality, loyalty, passion, struggle, and set an example of the leader, he has become a symbol of Baltimore city. Stadiums he actively involved in charity and the local street, named "ray lewis avenue", in recognition of its recognition of the city to contribute to charity. "Thor" will eventually leave his beloved football pitch, but he left behind the precious spiritual wealth of the ravens and the NFL fans well, even if you have great talent, avoid by all means is complacency, never-ending challenge oneself, can become a true hero

 cheap nfl jerseys Most expensive sports for upcoming super bowl team has been done

Annual football finals of "super bowl" early next month will start, this is the world's highest brand value of sports.

Recently,cheap jerseys  the two teams have been produced, the San Francisco 49 ers, and Baltimore ravens will be on the biggest stage, what's interesting is that both teams coach or brother!

On January 21, Beijing time, NFL football league [microblogs] lead the two compete for the super bowl teams. In the Baltimore ravens and the New England patriots game, ravens beat rivals, 28 more than 13 to break into the super bowl for the first time in 12 years. Another game at the San Francisco 49 people, with the Atlanta falcons in the San Francisco 49 ers once 17 goals in 28 2-1 with 24 cases in excellent form this season the Atlanta falcons, to the team s sixth "super bowl". The super bowl is America's most famous, brand value is highest, the most watched sports entertainment event, some people even call it an informal American national holiday. Broadcaster CBS recently published this year in television advertisements have been sold, the NFL super bowl advertising position price was as high as $4 million per 30 seconds.

47th annual super bowl will be in Beijing time on February 4, 7, 30 separate, there will be more domestic broadcast live television and websites, American pop music star beyonce Knowles will also take part in this year's super bowl midfield performances.

 Rugby star, 28, has more than 10 children in the NFL

cheap jerseys Football is the most popular sport, football star is the focus of attention. Recently, the New York jets Antonio cromarty was the focus of the media, but he not because played good football, but, 28 years old, he had 10 children, the unsurpassable in the NFL (microblogging).

Recently, cromartie and his wife gave birth to their second child, this is he and 8 female life in the United States under the 10th child, cromartie and his children have been able to form a football team. Last autumn, cromartie and jets signed a four-year $32 million contract, if he sensibly enough money, the money to have ten children it's nothing too much of an issue. According to understanding, cromartie several former girlfriend is planning on TV appearances, the purpose is to earn more money, on the show, they have to do is to introduce their large Numbers of children. The existing television interested, but cromarty opposed, and warned that the media not to make any interviews and filming his children.

cheap jerseys NFL thor curtain call to fight wars former lucky star like 17 years go back in time the 47th super bowl will be in Beijing time on February 4, in New Orleans for the open calls at every morning, no matter how the result of the match, will be the thor in the NFL [micro bo] the fading of the field performance, 17 years in time is fleeting, the thor for 17 years, interestingly, San Francisco 49 ers coach Jim - Hubble, is he in the NFL career first "victims", the thor career first escape kill it is to Jim, that is his rookie from uniting the important milestone to the thor one, "began in this also finally this".

Will time back to 17 years ago, 1996 season, although it is new, but lewis has become Baltimore ravens starting center, who is in to go far made struggle period, but struggle hard five games still no successful escape killed a quarterback, and in the sixth weeks and Indianapolis the game finally get it across the table, stood the 33, slightly old quarterback Jim - Hubble, was not wrong, is now the San Francisco 49 ers coach, not every wonderful story will have ups and downs of the process, but the thor and Jim's fate bandit shallow, because two people and later became his teammates.

On December 13, 1998, ravens and Minnesota vikings in combat, Jim - Hubble excellent performance in the first quarter, the crow has 14 than 6 lead, lewis for the present cheer, but the vikings and then it into a wave of 29 - counter attack, Hubble in the fourth quarter at the beginning of the array of passing, help the crow to twenty more than 35 narrow gap between the score, but the vikings bracing and eventually to and ratio and win victory, including a rookie wide receiver excellent performance, he is randy moss, is currently playing for San Francisco 49 ers, will attend the super bowl, after 14 years with the thor again confrontation.

"I have a lot of respect for ravens, once with the team manager and former boss worked, and I also know many crow player, so, whether the players and the team, I have a lot of respect for, and they will be able to achieve such good results, I also happy for them." Jim - Hubble said. And the achievements of the escape kill lewis, Hubble, said is not so remember, "three days or four days ago, father reminded me, also is the Baltimore media reporter reminded him, but I really don't remember, however, my legend and add a new pen, ray lewis first escape kill." Hubble with a joke end access, but reading between the lines, you can feel his relaxed and calm.

Of course besides the thor outside, and his brothers - Baltimore ravens boss John - Hubble, two people who can become Hubble family first super bowl champion coach? The feast of football to be missed, it is reported, Oriental TV, travel TV, five star sports, guangzhou sports, Beijing television, awesome sports, European football and TV will broadcast live for Chinese audience, and at the same time, there are several network platform will live game.

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